Who Am I

Paul Dalizu commands a wealth of experience in talent management and corporate communication. I help leaders navigate their differences and make more impact, income, influence as well as maximize their return on investment with my expertise of over 15 years in media relations, conflict resolution, crisis management, executive leadership coaching, consensus building both in the private & nonprofit sectors.

As a visionary leader and strategist, I inspire and coach with a background in challenging paradigms and help elevate team performance to great heights. Consequently, this helps to overcome complex problems and make high stake decisions in challenging business environments to deliver mission critical extraordinary results in growth, revenue, performance and profitability.

My charismatic aura has made me an indisputable thought leader and an accomplished speaker who has delivered riveting presentations in multilateral organizations like the World Bank and United States Agency International Development (USAID). As a seasoned and well sought after storyteller I simplify complex concepts to inform, inspire and influence movements.

I run a one of its kind global leadership program You Only Lead Once (YOLO) across gateway cities in the world to get future leaders on the right track. I equip future leaders today to navigate challenges, develop a strong brand salience and understand their God ordained purpose.

My exposure, having travelled to countries like China, South Korea, Qatar, Ghana, Uganda, Zambia,Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi among others, gives me a diverse perspective. I am currently an adjunct lecturer at Cooperative University of Kenya and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. I am passionate about making a significant impact through my leadership in the lives of 300 million thinkers, entrepreneurs and leaders globally through the Future Leaders Africa Summit (FLAS).

I also contributes to various community interests. I have served as the Operations Director at Global Mentorship Network, Vice President Public Relations in Early Bird Toastmasters International Club and currently serves as the Founding Chair of Gatuma-ini Primary School Alumni Association.

I have a background in Organisational Leadership holding a Master’s Degree from International Leadership University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Resource and Diploma in Business Management both from Kenyatta University. I am an accredited full member of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) and a certified human resource practitioner and coach. I am currently pursuing my Doctorate in Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Leadership and Governance at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

Core Values


I believe in respecting people from different backgrounds irrespective of their education level, social status or religious affiliation.


I believe in uncompromising and unchangeable nature while dealing with our clients in every aspect.


I believe the greatest currency in our business is trust that glues everything together.


I believe in discharging every role to the best of our ability and continuously improving.


I believe in embracing people with different worldviews as we maintain our identity.

What I Do

I present customized well researched keynote addresses infused with dynamic conversational skills to meet your expected outcomes. My signature topics are navigating unpredictability, influence beyond affluence, storytelling for impact, succession planning, pitching for funding, headhunting & interviews and embracing diversity.
I have a double edge approach to coaching individuals and teams in our programs both online and physically. I believe in going beyond just giving advice but empathizing with your problem by walking in your shoes to offer unparalleled support in making the right decisions in challenging situations that result in the best outcomes for you. My coaching spectrum ranges from executive leadership coaching,life coaching, career coaching, business start up coaching.

Gladiators Executive Leaders Coaching Program
I help executives understand their next level of skills and awareness that enable them to be more productive and impactful in their zone of genius. I interrogate their big picture and develop compelling communication strategies to cascade their vision to their followers succinctly. I then ensure they develop a critical team to help accomplish targets that sound impossible effortlessly. The program takes 6 weeks.

Mans Cave Coaching program
I bring men together to reflect through well thought out questions, envisioning, navigating challenges, decision making, strategize on practical solutions through brainstorming sessions and reboot to apply the lessons in assignments by embracing their manhood responsibly. The program takes 12 weeks.

Outliers Graduate Career Coaching Program
I help graduates from colleges and universities to prepare for the future of work. I equip them with skills like writing their curriculum vitae, preparing for interviews,pitching of ideas, personal branding, career change, networking, building a credible track record, communication, spiritual discipline, leadership and launching out. The program takes 6 weeks.

Hustle Biz Coaching Program
I prepare entrepreneurs from the ideation stage to conceptualize the idea for monetization. I then help them to look for a business model at the start up level. They learn to put systems of growth like bookeeping, marketing plans and product development. I prepare them to scale up by pitching to financiers and investors and finally help them achieve maturity in readiness to sell off the company. The program takes 12 weeks.

Gift of the Gab Coaching Program
I believe communication is the most underrated skill yet the greatest tool to leverage your success. I not only boost your speaking confidence but ensure you enhance your coherence and clarity as you articulate your thoughts, ideas and concepts. I embark on a journey to help you discover your voice in a crowded world that will not just inform, entertain and persuade but also impact the desired audience. The program takes 10 weeks.

  1. Affordabilitythrough saving on venue and travelling costs
  2. Environment conscious due to adherence to being present without distractions
  3. Time consciousness by sticking to timelines
  4. Unlimited resources in our login area
  5. Global networking and referrals
  6. Online video conferencing
I am your designated thought leaders and think tank ready to offer a different perspective as a third eye in your most critical decisions. I do in depth evidence based research to deliver simple customized solutions to complex problems. This is in the context of board retreats, strategic planning and mid-term evaluations. My areas of expertise are corporate governance, capacity and consensus building, corporate communication, change leadership, organisation development and talent management.
I provide world class customized training to my clients based on comprehensive need analysis to establish their development needs. I believe that great training adds value to the participants and this is later translated into exponential productivity in organisations. I use very pragmatic approaches that are fun and increase participant’s competence levels that which sky rockets their performance. I do leadership training, culture change, change management, branding and communicating for impact.

Why Dalizu

I will help you identify that unique DNA that will set you apart on a path of undeniable success embedded in a strong culture and values of the stakeholders.
One size fits all is a lazy approach to meet the client’s needs. I am dedicated to developing a tailored solution to your problem ensuring that you enjoy the greatest satisfaction.
I will adhere to the highest professional standard practices to enable you to enjoy credible services from qualified experts in the industry and sector with a global reputation.
I will work together with like minded individuals and organisations to ensure I obtain a multifaceted approach and hybrid solutions.
I help you develop proficiency in articulating your ideas and thoughts and suitably deliver them to your audience to navigate societal complexities.
I will endeavour to use the contextualized indigenousness to bring out the uniqueness with an African touch that has not been tapped into after early civilizations.


Contact Us

Phone: (+254) 733 706 222 or 724 898 170